Arrow of Caid -- Thanks
I would like to thank a few people for their help in the Arrow of Caid.
- Lynnette de Sandoval, my wife, for spell checking, editing, being a sounding board, injecting a turn of phrase or two, showing me where I didn’t make sense, and putting up with me while I wrote this story. (Even if she is still upset that I wouldn’t create a “Leper Lynnette” character who gets run down by the Freehold Army.)
- Deille for doing final editing, pushing me to write the next chapter, and calling me up to ask just what I really had in mind. (She also loved getting that chapter in advance and knowing where the story was going), and for getting me involved in writing.
- Braggi for letting me drag his former personas into the story. (I think I might do that again…it was fun)
-=- Chief Timotheus Zacharia von Schloss Zwilling O.L, O.C.C, O.D.C.
Your Turn:
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because ...
Want to know what happens after the release of the Arrow of Caid, who is the storyteller, what is the outcome of the war?
All of this and more in –
Honoré of The West - 2nd story of the Crystal Magic series
Crystal Magic Series Stories
NOTE: Although these stories are set in a fictionalized SCA world using SCA geography and a loose version of some SCA personas, the stories in no way depict actual people, personas, places, organizations, or events.
Copyright 2009 by