July West Kingdom Crown -- Carpet and pads -- Lost round 1 and 2
November West Kingdom Crown -- Carpet, leather and ring -- Won round 1 lost round 2 and 3
1973 -- Fighter Practices. Many fighting events for practice.
March West Kingdom Crown -- Won round 1, lost round 2 & 3
July West Kingdom Crown -- Wearing leather, ring, and chain -- Won round 1, lost round 2, won round 3, lost round 4
November West Kingdom Crown -- Won round 1 & 2, lost round 3 & 4
1974 -- Fighter Practices. Many fighting events for practice.
March West Kingdom Crown -- Won round 1, lost round 2 & 3
July West Kingdom Crown -- Wearing ring, and chain -- Won round 1, lost round 2, won round 3, lost round 4
November West Kingdom Crown -- Won round 1, 2 *=& 3, lost round 4 & 5
1975 -- Fighter Practices. Many fighting events for practice.
June Caid Principality Coronet -- Last Fighting Event -- Lasted to Quarter Finals
1984 -- Rapier
Held two official Rapier events (Master Atar co-autocrat) to try and get Foil or Rapier as a light weapon. There was a resounding No Attendance.
1995 -- Battle of the Seneschals
As Seneschal of Altavia I fought a Heavy Weapons battle against the Seneschal of Angels. The armor was borrowed, fighting was relearned, authorization occurred. While it was a scripted event the fighting for 3-5 minutes was the best as could be done.